Entertaining: Recipes and Inspirations for Gathering with Family and Friends

Entertaining: Recipes and Inspirations for Gathering with Family and Friends

Culinary Institute of America, Abigail Kirsch

Language: English

Pages: 354

ISBN: 0470421320

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

A must-have resource for anyone who loves entertaining friends and family at home
In this new book from the CIA, you'll find everything you need to plan and pull off unforgettable get-togethers—from important formal events to simple, casual affairs with friends. It's packed with plenty of recipes for perfect party foods, as well as practical and thorough advice on planning, decorating, and serving. It also features helpful and gorgeous full-color photographs throughout.* More than 300 delicious recipes for first courses, main courses, sides, desserts, and drinks
* Advice and techniques on entertaining for virtually any occasion, whether the food is the focus of the event or just a little perk
* One of many books from the CIA—all from Wiley—including The Professional Chef, Ninth Edition and the At Home series
When it comes to cooking, you know what to expect from the experts at The Culinary Institute of America—fantastic flavors, incredible presentations, and down-to-earth cooking advice. Now you can add home entertaining to the list as well.

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EN T E RTAIN IN G JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. entertaining the CULINARY INSTITUTE of AMERICA R ECI PE S AN D I N SPI R AT I O N S F O R G AT H E R I N G WIT H FA MI LY AN D FR I EN D S ABIGAIL KIRSCH PHOTOGRAPHS BY BEN FINK This book is printed on acid-free paper.   Copyright © 2012 by The Culinary Institute of America. All rights reserved Photography by Ben Fink Cover image: Ben Fink Cover and interior design: Vertigo Design NYC The Culinary Institute of America President Provost.

There are plenty of color and pattern choices to match your décor. things done. Once you are down to a week, and counting, stick to your timeline; it will save your sanity and radically decrease your stress level the day before and the day of the party. By referring to your completed timeline, you should know: 1. WHEN YOU INTEND TO BUY, PREP, AND FINISH EVERY ITEM ON YOUR INTENDED MENU. This includes listing every bit of food that needs to be served and when; it’s remarkably easy, in the.

Be served in an iced container and, if possible, with mother-of-pearl, bone, horn, or glass There are many different ways to present caviar on a buffet table. Here, spoons are filled with bluepoint oysters and topped with beluga caviar. spoons to avoid any flavor change that might occur from metal spoons. Toast points, brioche, or blinis are often served as a base for a caviar canapé. Lesser quality caviar may be appropriate for garnishing other items, like potato crêpes with crème fraîche (see.

With more than one burner, you can control the heat more effectively. By turning one or more of the burners off after preheating the grill, you can create the indirect heat necessary to prepare long-cooking foods like a whole turkey or spareribs or delicate foods like breads or vegetables without charring the outside of the food. Some grills have built-in thermometers to make it easy to monitor how hot the grill is. If you don’t have a thermometer, there is a simple test you can do. Hold your.

Smoked salmon 1 tbsp capers, rinsed 1 tbsp dill sprigs 1. Place the sliced onions in a small bowl and add enough cold water to cover completely. Let the onions soak in the cold water in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes and up to 2 hours. ENTERTAINING 2. Stir together the mayonnaise, mustard, capers, and dill in a small bowl. Set aside. 3. Cut the bread slices in half. Spread with the caper-dill mayonnaise. Top with the smoked salmon. 4. Drain the red onion slices and blot dry.

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